The [Polkadot Championship]( is an open web3/cryptocurrency contest consisting of a qualification phase and a main event.
The format of a solution is an ASCII string of the form __PC{...}__, like PC{#\This_Could_be_Flagz/#}. A correct solution is also called a flag. What you are looking for in each challenge is to generate the string between PC{......}.
[Submit your solutions in this web form]( to ask for an invitation.
To calculate the Keccak-256 hash of a string, you can, for example, install `keccak256-cli` using `cargo`, and then use the `keccak256` command like so:
The main event consists of a 3-day hackathon where projects can be finalized. First day is the day for education, second day is about DEADLINE MODE ON, then the third day is about the presentation of the projects. You can already get started with team formation and working on the main challenges!
Playing teams will need to choose one challenge as their main one. Additionally, they need to choose at least one from the other tracks and create a proposal for solving them. You can already see good examples from last year's hackathon.
The teams need to initialize a git project latest on the 2nd day of the hackathon, on or (which is shamefully owned by Microsoft) and commit all their development there. Commits after the finish of the end of the 24 hours DEADLINE MODE ON won't be accepted.
- If the presented project would get funding, would it be sustainable in the long run?
- Would anyone keep this project running, would it be interesting enough for the community/users?
- Practicality
- When it comes to using the project, would it be practical or burdensome?
- Note: the proof of concept doesn't need to be like that, but knowing that future improvements would make the project practical is important.
- Security Model
- How is the project protected against threats and abuse?
- Second and Third challenge proposal
- Did the team present a realistic idea for the two other tracks?
- Note: don't spend more than an hour as a team on this, but make sure to do it. 5/5 is the maximum score per proposal.
Each criterion has a maximum score of 10 and the judges will decide individually how many scores they vote for the teams. The maximum score a team can get for their main project is 70. After the scores are finalized, they will be presented in the Hall of Fame smart contract.