You can find all the four prequalification challenges in the "Prequalification_Challenges" folder. If you played Capture The Flag /CTF/ games before, this process is very similar to you already.
The flag format: __PMC{This_Could_be_a_Flag.!}__
What you are looking for in each challenge is to generate the data between PMC{......}.
After you solve at least three challenges, you can submit the form and request your invitation:
__WSS challenge__: you need to play with a websocket connection and get the flag from the service.
__Rust challenge:__ you need to work with cryptography and math. The correct math will return you the flag.
__ink! challenge__: you need to get the flag from an already running Substrate node.
__Kusamaverse challenge__: find the flag in Kusamaverse - this one is very easy, but important for the main event.
We also have an __optional 3D design challenge__ for the Hall of Fame, near the four listed above. If you submit it using the form, we'll add the design to the Hall of Fame, where all the successfully prequalified players get listed.
## Support and feedback for the prequalification
We don't help with the solution. If something is unclear or you need help or think you found a bug, we are always open to hear from you.
You can contact us anytime though our email address or you can also find six through Matrix (
The details of these challenges will be shared on 2022 December 6th 10:00 CET. The teams will need to solve at least one from each track. You can already prepare libraries and some code befor the hackathon, but the final ideation and project needs to come out during the main event.