The [Polkadot Metaverse Championship (PMC)]( is an open web3/cryptocurrency contest consisting of a qualification phase and a main event.
The format of a solution is an ASCII string of the form __PMC{...}__, like PMC{#\This_Could_be_Flagz/#}. A correct solution is also called a flag. What you are looking for in each challenge is to generate the string between PMC{......}.
[Submit your solutions in this web form]( to ask for an invitation.
To calculate the Keccak-256 hash of a string, you can, for example, install `keccak256-cli` using `cargo`, and then use the `keccak256` command like so:
We also have an __optional 3D design challenge__ for the Hall of Fame, near the five listed above. If you submit it using the prequalification form, we'll add the design to the Hall of Fame, where all the successfully prequalified players get listed.
By the way, you can compound your solutions with an optional 3D design of your own, in the web form. We'll add each such design to the Hall of Fame, where all the successfully qualified players get listed.
The details of the main challenges will be shared on 2022 December 6th 10:00 CET. The teams formed before will need to solve at least one from each track, in 24 hours. You can already prepare libraries and some code before the hackathon, but the final ideation and project needs to come out during the main event.
The main event consists of a 3-day hackathon where projects can be conceptualized and implemented, and also of more challenge-solving in parallel.
At first, teams should be formed by qualified players.
The main event's challenges will be disclosed on 2022-12-06 at 10:00:00 CET. The teams will need to solve at least one from each challenge track, in 24 hours.
Note: You can already prepare libraries and some code before the hackathon, but the final project needs to be conceived during the main event.