100_grabDOT | ||
100_numerology | ||
107_js_play | ||
200_unsavable | ||
230_Subquiz | ||
300_schnor-ng | ||
300_zk-dirham | ||
==== CCTF vol9 rnd2 ====
Challenges are in this repository.
DCTF smart contract to submit your challenges (ASTAR Network): https://blockscout.com/astar/tx/0x5ccdc6732d6b806c6565af1a9fa9e0591e608ef1941573f01a753560b291b5dc
Competition ID is "92" and the password is "1337".
Code of smart contract (if needed): https://v-space.hu/p/?4b42ce01f60deac2#kJKBdqOMvqM0mVV6/voEj8C693g9MI5Nv0zOWIcdeak=
Flag encoder frontend: https://git.hsbp.org/CCTF/DCTF/src/branch/main/flag_encoder_fe
Some challenges won't return the private key itself, so you'll need to use the converter API: wget -qO- "{test}"
====== Challenges ~ ID, Name, Points, Pub Address ======
1 | 100_grabDOT | 100 | 0x133745A6aF4F954f870798f6Db662E27741c8d7B
2 | 100_numerology | 100 | 0x1337bDE03d31AE1e3Dada64F6da49fB358C0D39C
3 | 107_js_play | 107 | 0x1337E7DF1E590916e2EA80bA4eE8f575462A5c49
4 | 200_unsavable | 200 | 0x133758E7A3Aba91457647650211dBCad3c48cBfb
5 | 230_Subquiz | 230 | 0x1337bf1A2e60c2f6a6CC7e7D6402Adcc855BB6AC
6 | 300_schnor-ng | 300 | 0x1337E1F66E9343c132C4C290eACE0Cc5023813BB
7 | 300_zk-dirham | 300 | 0x1337C98f553A996BD8a58B4051254A222B443b7c
Max score: 1337
Good luck and have fun!