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pwn w3bridges
Workshop for "web3" bridge hacking at Hacktivity 2022
- Web3 vs web2 hacking, concepts / workshop topology
- Who interacted with dApps/SCs before?
- Who codes Solidity?
- Who codes Rust?
- Who used a bridge before?
- Who is the cryptographer?
Environment setup, system requirements
- Any browser for Ethereum, Remix
- Python3
- Substrate, Rust nightly
Scenario 1: Token on two chains, mint using receipt
- Solidity basics, using remix for compile
- Exploit visibility, take admin
- ECDSA Ethereum basics
- Mint with receipt -> Find the vuln!
Scenario 2: Signature forgery (any chain)
- Deploy SC on Ethereum chain
- Compile Substrate with EVM
- Deploy SC on Substrate chain (so it is different from core)
- Test ECDSA signature forgery exploit from one to other
- Test same issue with WASM/ink!
Scenario 1
https://remix.ethereum.org/ https://www.tutorialspoint.com/solidity/solidity_operators.htm https://polkadot.js.org/apps/ https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-20/ https://git.hsbp.org/six/eth_keygen
Scenario 2
https://cryptoctf.org/2022/09/11/writeup-of-flag-submission-forgery-by-si/ https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-contracts-node https://docs.substrate.io/quick-start/ https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-front-end-template https://github.com/paritytech/ink https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/blob/master/primitives/core/src/ecdsa.rs https://use.ink/getting-started/setup https://medium.com/block-journal/introducing-substrate-smart-contracts-with-ink-d486289e2b59 https://github.com/paritytech/contracts-ui https://contracts-ui.substrate.io/?rpc=wss://rpc.shibuya.astar.network https://substrate.io/developers/playground/ https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/200682/is-it-possible-to-fake-ecdsa-signatures
Solidity Hacking Homework
- Crypto Wojak - Who is the admin?
- Sminem - Set the password
- Crypto Wojak - Make your tries count 2 or more
- Crypto Wojak - Make your tries count 2 and get the answer
- HODLer - Deposit ether twice with the same address
- Crypto Wojak - Execute selfdestruct() +1 Sminem - Create a signature to prove you are Satoshi (see js folder)