# pwn_w3bridges Workshop for web3 bridge hacking at Hacktivity 2022 # Scenario 1 - Receipt reuse - Topology Story: Substrate system being built after ERC20 token is sold. - Substrate node with EVM pallet || Token minter smart contract (vuln here) - Bridge providing receipts || Checks bridge balance on Substrate node - Ethereum node || Token minter smart contract (target for mint) https://remix.ethereum.org/ Faucet? https://polkadot.js.org/apps/ https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-20/ https://git.hsbp.org/six/eth_keygen https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-contracts-node https://docs.substrate.io/quick-start/ https://substrate.io/developers/playground/ | alternative https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-front-end-template ## Commands $ # Scenario 2 - ECDSA signature forgery - Topology Story: ink! smart contract interoperability. - Substrate node with ink! - No bridge, but signature forgery - Ethereum node https://github.com/paritytech/ink https://use.ink/getting-started/setup https://medium.com/block-journal/introducing-substrate-smart-contracts-with-ink-d486289e2b59 ## Commands $