#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #import scapy from scapy.all import Ether, IP, ICMP, TCP, sr, sr1 pkt = IP(dst="gentoo.org") # Simple packet creation #print pkt.show() pkt = IP(dst="gentoo.org")/ICMP()/"Not-Vivek was here" # ICMP packet creation with message sr1(pkt) # More tricks / tips # sendp(Ether()/IP(dst="gentoo.org")/ICMP()/"any", iface="enp0s31f6", loop=1, inter=1) # Sending on layer 2 level, plus loop, but be carefule with that : ) + this is interactive command! # Layer 3 send and receive: sr() sr1() # Layer 2 send and receive: srp() srp1() #srp1(Ether()/IP(dst="gentoo.org", ttl=22)/ICMP/"any") #sr(IP(dst="gentoo.org", ttl=22)/ICMP()/"any") #response, no_response = _ #print response[0] # print answer #r1(IP(dst="gentoo.org"), timeout=4)