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2017-06-11 19:42:13 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Ethernet / IP / TCP / Application
# Ethernet header: 14 bytes
# 0 5 6 11 12 14
# | EthDHost | EthSHost | EthType |
# | Ethernet Packet Data |
# 0 3 4 7 8 15 16 31
# | Version | IDL | Type of Service | Total Length |
# | Identification | Flags | Fragment Offser |
# | TTL | Protocol | Header Checksum |
# | Source Address |
# | Destination Address |
# | Options | Padding |
# Note here when interpreting: Network Byte Order is indicated by first byte (eg. Big-Endian)
import struct # For packing/unpacking binary data
print struct.pack("B", 1) # Packet as byte "B", little endian ordering here
print struct.pack("H", 1) # Etc...
print struct.pack(">H", 1) # Big endian ordering here because of ">"
print struct.pack("!L", 1) # Unsigned long, 4 bytes, network byte format "!"
struct.unpack("!L", "\x00\x00\x00\x01") # With the, computer unpacks "1"