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# mcabber is a great command line client to use for chat (XMPP) with authentication and encrytpion (OTR).
# The following comments and commands will help you to install and use it.
# Register your account
# Go to for example
# Create directory for mcabber config and OTR
mkdir -p .mcabber/otr
# Copy the sample configuration files
cp /usr/share/doc/mcabber/examples/mcabberrc.example.gz ~/.
# If the files does not exist, the path may be different.
# Like "/usr/share/doc/mcabber/mcabberrc.example"
# Unzip the configuration file and rename it
gunzip mcabberrc.example.gz
mv mcabberrc.example.gz .mcabberrc
# Correct the priviliges if needed
chmod 700 .mcabber/ -R
chmod 700 .mcabberrc
# Edit your configuration with the following settings:
vim .mcabberrc
set jid =
set otr = 1
# Start mcabber and login with the account you have registered
# Basic commands
/add # Request someone for chat
/event 1 accept # To accept a request
# Using OTR
# It's recommended to add OTR by default policy to your config files
/otr key # Show your fingerprint
/otr fingerprint . "AAAA AAAA AAAA ...." # Trust someon's fingerprint
/otr fingerprint # Show fingerprints you have
/otr start # Start a conversation with OTR