<labelfor="inp-contestant-address">contestant's address:</label><inputid="inp-contestant-address"type="text"size="42"maxlength="42"pattern="0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}"requiredplaceholder="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"autocomplete="cryptocurrency address"title="The cryptocurrency address of the contestant who is submitting the flag. It will be used as the message that is signed using an ECDSA signature scheme. It is incorporated to prevent submission forgery and theft. The resulting signature will be accepted by the CCTF smart-contract from only this address."/><br/>
<labelfor="inp-flag">flag:</label><inputid="inp-flag"type="text"size="48"pattern="CCTF\{[ -~]*\}"requiredplaceholder="CCTF{…}"autocomplete="flag"title="The flag for the challenge in question: a piece of data that can be found through solving the problem. It can be an outstanding character sequence of the form CCTF{…} that can be stumbled upon; otherwise its location/calculation (e.g. the deciphered message) and its formatting (e.g. hexadecimal) are precisely specified, and formatting always includes enclosing by CCTF{…}. The flag will be used as the secret key for signing using an ECDSA signature scheme."accesskey="f"/><labelfor="outp-obscured-flag">⇒ obscured flag: </label><inputid="outp-obscured-flag"type="text"size="42"maxlength="42"readonlytitle="The obscured flag: data to allow zero-knowledge verification of knowledge of the flag. It is the elliptic-curve public key related to the flag as the private key. It is the thing to be loaded into the CCTF smart-contract for the respective challenge."/><br/>
<labelfor="outp-signature">⇒ signature: </label><inputid="outp-signature"type="text"size="132"maxlength="132"readonlytitle="The signature: a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of the flag, bound to the given address. It's an ECDSA signature of the address as the message (hash) with the flag as the key. It is to be passed to the CCTF smart-contract's flag submission function."/><!--<br />