# Vornoi · [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL3%2FApache2-blue)](https://github.com/Qrucial/voronoi/blob/main/LICENSE) Making "decentralized" blockchain projects actually decentralized. Currently implementing the solutions: for Polkadot and Ethereum. ### Assumption Cryptocurrency project with decentralization as one of the core principle. ### Problem The existence of (SPoF) single point of failures. ### SPoF examples The smart contract can be controlled (withdraw or pause) by a single account What if the single account is hacked? Smart contract emptied and stopped/destroyed. DApp with legacy, centralized backend What if the backend hacked? DApp replaced with malicious smart contract. DApp cannot be run locally, just from a central website What if the domain or the DNS is hacked? DApp replaced with malicious smart contract. ### Solutions: On smart contract level: Sign Flow Critical actions with multiple parties before executing them. DecentraLib.sol Use of threshold wallets (problem with that is not transparent enough) On DApp level: share the source code and run-able binary/script in multiple locations and sign them/make them verifiable Use of vanillajs + polkadotjs/web3js Push code to Gitea/Github/Gitlab Always publish the address on multiple public sources so users can verify it before transaction (website, twitter, telegram) ### Teminology | Term | Explanation | | ------ | ------ | | Single Point of Failure (SPoF) |A point in the system that in case of incident makes the whole or major part the system fail. | | Organization Flow (OrgFlow) | The project being executed, including the steps on the paths that are being taken. | | Critical Impact Function (CIF) | Functions that are critical in the flow of the project's execution (eg. a selfdestruct() call stopping the whole Project Flow). | | Minor Impact Function (MIF) | Minor Impact Function (MIF) - Functions that cannot have a critical impact on the project. | ### Example Topology of a real decentralized smart contract ![Decentralized Organization](/images/DecentraLibExample.jpg) ### Contributing Voronoi is an open project which welcomes contribution. Please send us a pull request in case you have a contribution. ### Licensing Voronoi is Licensed under [Apache2](https://github.com/Qrucial/voronoi/blob/main/LICENSE)