// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Example of Voronoi DAO in Solidity, by QRUCIAL OÜ // Setup: One leader (could be CEO, Prime Minister, etc irl) and 10 voters (could be members of the board, etc). // Code state: Beta // Coder: Six pragma solidity ^0.8.11; contract VoronoiDAO { event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); event major_impact_call(bool value); // Event when a Major Impact Function is called event minor_impact_call(bool value); // Event when a Minor Impact Function is called event function_unlock(uint256 value); // Unlock event, when a function gets unlocked, unit256 -> func ID mapping (uint256 => address) internal unlocker_ids; // Needs to be in sync with the unlocker_ids, max 10 mapping (uint256 => uint256) internal unlocker_stakes; // Address to threshold amount (single account can have multiple) mapping (uint256 => uint256) internal voronoi_function_count; // Some functions need to be controlled separately mapping (uint256 => address) internal nominee; // Possibilty to nominate. To get in, vouches are needed. mapping (uint256 => uint256) internal nominee_vouch; uint256 private nominee_position; address private Leader; uint256 private _voronoi_count; uint256 private threshold; uint256 private _voronoi_last_time; bool private _paused; constructor() { Leader = msg.sender; // The Leader is the one who starts the DAO! Can be modified by voting. _paused = false; _voronoi_count = 0; threshold = 4; _voronoi_last_time = block.timestamp; unlocker_ids[0] = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4; unlocker_ids[1] = 0xAb8483F64d9C6d1EcF9b849Ae677dD3315835cb2; unlocker_ids[2] = 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c; unlocker_ids[3] = 0x4B20993Bc481177ec7E8f571ceCaE8A9e22C02db; unlocker_ids[4] = 0x617F2E2fD72FD9D5503197092aC168c91465E7f2; unlocker_ids[5] = 0x1aE0EA34a72D944a8C7603FfB3eC30a6669E454C; unlocker_ids[6] = 0x583031D1113aD414F02576BD6afaBfb302140225; unlocker_ids[7] = 0x583031D1113aD414F02576BD6afaBfb302140225; unlocker_ids[8] = 0x0A098Eda01Ce92ff4A4CCb7A4fFFb5A43EBC70DC; unlocker_ids[9] = 0x0A098Eda01Ce92ff4A4CCb7A4fFFb5A43EBC70DC; unlocker_stakes[0] = 1; unlocker_stakes[1] = 1; unlocker_stakes[2] = 1; unlocker_stakes[3] = 1; unlocker_stakes[4] = 1; unlocker_stakes[5] = 1; unlocker_stakes[6] = 1; unlocker_stakes[7] = 1; unlocker_stakes[8] = 1; unlocker_stakes[9] = 1; voronoi_function_count[0] = 0; voronoi_function_count[1] = 0; } function voronoi_vote_up_main() external returns (bool success){ require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0]){ require(unlocker_stakes[0] == 1); unlocker_stakes[0] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1]) { require(unlocker_stakes[1] == 1); unlocker_stakes[1] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2]) { require(unlocker_stakes[2] == 1); unlocker_stakes[2] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3]) { require(unlocker_stakes[3] == 1); unlocker_stakes[3] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4]) { require(unlocker_stakes[4] == 1); unlocker_stakes[4] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5]) { require(unlocker_stakes[5] == 1); unlocker_stakes[5] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6]) { require(unlocker_stakes[6] == 1); unlocker_stakes[6] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7]) { require(unlocker_stakes[7] == 1); unlocker_stakes[7] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8]) { require(unlocker_stakes[8] == 1); unlocker_stakes[8] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]) { require(unlocker_stakes[9] == 1); unlocker_stakes[9] = 0; } _voronoi_count = _voronoi_count + 1; return true; } function voronoi_vote_up_specific(uint256 _spec) external returns (bool success){ require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0]){ require(unlocker_stakes[0] == 1); unlocker_stakes[0] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1]) { require(unlocker_stakes[1] == 1); unlocker_stakes[1] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2]) { require(unlocker_stakes[2] == 1); unlocker_stakes[2] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3]) { require(unlocker_stakes[3] == 1); unlocker_stakes[3] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4]) { require(unlocker_stakes[4] == 1); unlocker_stakes[4] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5]) { require(unlocker_stakes[5] == 1); unlocker_stakes[5] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6]) { require(unlocker_stakes[6] == 1); unlocker_stakes[6] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7]) { require(unlocker_stakes[7] == 1); unlocker_stakes[7] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8]) { require(unlocker_stakes[8] == 1); unlocker_stakes[8] = 0; } else if (msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]) { require(unlocker_stakes[9] == 1); unlocker_stakes[9] = 0; } voronoi_function_count[_spec] = voronoi_function_count[_spec] + 1; return true; } function vcheck_state(uint256 _idToCheck) external view returns(uint256 success){ return unlocker_stakes[_idToCheck]; } function vcheck_count() external view returns(uint256 success){ return _voronoi_count; } function v_reset() external returns (bool success){ emit major_impact_call(true); require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); require(block.timestamp >= _voronoi_last_time + 15 minutes); // You can only do it once every 15 mins to secure voting logic _voronoi_last_time = block.timestamp; _voronoi_count = 0; voronoi_function_count[0] = 0; voronoi_function_count[1] = 0; unlocker_stakes[0] = 1; unlocker_stakes[1] = 1; unlocker_stakes[2] = 1; unlocker_stakes[3] = 1; unlocker_stakes[4] = 1; unlocker_stakes[5] = 1; unlocker_stakes[6] = 1; unlocker_stakes[7] = 1; unlocker_stakes[8] = 1; unlocker_stakes[9] = 1; nominee[0] = address(0); nominee_vouch[0] = 0; return true; } function voter_nominate(uint256 _position, address _new_addr) external returns (bool){ require(block.timestamp >= _voronoi_last_time + 15 minutes); // Nomination can happen only once per 15 mins. require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); nominee[0] = _new_addr; nominee_position = _position; return true; } function voter_role_change() external returns (bool){ // Change or remove addresses. emit major_impact_call(true); require(voronoi_function_count[0] >= threshold); // Needs to be specifically allowed! require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); unlocker_ids[nominee_position] = nominee[0]; return true; } function pause() external returns (bool success) { require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); emit major_impact_call(true); require(_voronoi_count >= threshold); _paused = true; return _paused; } function unpause() external returns (bool success) { require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); emit major_impact_call(true); require(_voronoi_count >= threshold); _paused = false; return _paused; } function LeaderChange(address newLeader) external returns (address to) { require(msg.sender == unlocker_ids[0] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[1] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[2] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[3] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[4] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[5] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[6] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[7] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[8] || msg.sender == unlocker_ids[9]); emit major_impact_call(true); require(_voronoi_count >= threshold); Leader = newLeader; return newLeader; } function LeaderWithdraw() external returns (bool success) { // If the DAO decides, the Leader can withdraw all Coins. require(msg.sender == Leader, "Not authorized"); emit major_impact_call(true); require(voronoi_function_count[1] >= threshold); // Needs to be specifically allowed! payable(msg.sender).transfer(address(this).balance); return true; } fallback() external payable {} receive() external payable {} }