//! Setup code for [`super::command`] which would otherwise bloat that module. //! //! Should only be used for benchmarking as it may break in other contexts. use crate::service::FullClient; use node_template_runtime as runtime; use runtime::{AccountId, Balance, BalancesCall, SystemCall}; use sc_cli::Result; use sc_client_api::BlockBackend; use sp_core::{Encode, Pair}; use sp_inherents::{InherentData, InherentDataProvider}; use sp_keyring::Sr25519Keyring; use sp_runtime::{OpaqueExtrinsic, SaturatedConversion}; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; /// Generates extrinsics for the `benchmark overhead` command. /// /// Note: Should only be used for benchmarking. pub struct RemarkBuilder { client: Arc, } impl RemarkBuilder { /// Creates a new [`Self`] from the given client. pub fn new(client: Arc) -> Self { Self { client } } } impl frame_benchmarking_cli::ExtrinsicBuilder for RemarkBuilder { fn pallet(&self) -> &str { "system" } fn extrinsic(&self) -> &str { "remark" } fn build(&self, nonce: u32) -> std::result::Result { let acc = Sr25519Keyring::Bob.pair(); let extrinsic: OpaqueExtrinsic = create_benchmark_extrinsic( self.client.as_ref(), acc, SystemCall::remark { remark: vec![] }.into(), nonce, ) .into(); Ok(extrinsic) } } /// Generates `Balances::TransferKeepAlive` extrinsics for the benchmarks. /// /// Note: Should only be used for benchmarking. pub struct TransferKeepAliveBuilder { client: Arc, dest: AccountId, value: Balance, } impl TransferKeepAliveBuilder { /// Creates a new [`Self`] from the given client. pub fn new(client: Arc, dest: AccountId, value: Balance) -> Self { Self { client, dest, value } } } impl frame_benchmarking_cli::ExtrinsicBuilder for TransferKeepAliveBuilder { fn pallet(&self) -> &str { "balances" } fn extrinsic(&self) -> &str { "transfer_keep_alive" } fn build(&self, nonce: u32) -> std::result::Result { let acc = Sr25519Keyring::Bob.pair(); let extrinsic: OpaqueExtrinsic = create_benchmark_extrinsic( self.client.as_ref(), acc, BalancesCall::transfer_keep_alive { dest: self.dest.clone().into(), value: self.value.into(), } .into(), nonce, ) .into(); Ok(extrinsic) } } /// Create a transaction using the given `call`. /// /// Note: Should only be used for benchmarking. pub fn create_benchmark_extrinsic( client: &FullClient, sender: sp_core::sr25519::Pair, call: runtime::RuntimeCall, nonce: u32, ) -> runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic { let genesis_hash = client.block_hash(0).ok().flatten().expect("Genesis block exists; qed"); let best_hash = client.chain_info().best_hash; let best_block = client.chain_info().best_number; let period = runtime::BlockHashCount::get() .checked_next_power_of_two() .map(|c| c / 2) .unwrap_or(2) as u64; let extra: runtime::SignedExtra = ( frame_system::CheckNonZeroSender::::new(), frame_system::CheckSpecVersion::::new(), frame_system::CheckTxVersion::::new(), frame_system::CheckGenesis::::new(), frame_system::CheckEra::::from(sp_runtime::generic::Era::mortal( period, best_block.saturated_into(), )), frame_system::CheckNonce::::from(nonce), frame_system::CheckWeight::::new(), pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment::::from(0), ); let raw_payload = runtime::SignedPayload::from_raw( call.clone(), extra.clone(), ( (), runtime::VERSION.spec_version, runtime::VERSION.transaction_version, genesis_hash, best_hash, (), (), (), ), ); let signature = raw_payload.using_encoded(|e| sender.sign(e)); runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic::new_signed( call.clone(), sp_runtime::AccountId32::from(sender.public()).into(), runtime::Signature::Sr25519(signature.clone()), extra.clone(), ) } /// Generates inherent data for the `benchmark overhead` command. /// /// Note: Should only be used for benchmarking. pub fn inherent_benchmark_data() -> Result { let mut inherent_data = InherentData::new(); let d = Duration::from_millis(0); let timestamp = sp_timestamp::InherentDataProvider::new(d.into()); futures::executor::block_on(timestamp.provide_inherent_data(&mut inherent_data)) .map_err(|e| format!("creating inherent data: {:?}", e))?; Ok(inherent_data) }