import "ecc/edwardsAdd" as add; import "ecc/edwardsOnCurve" as onCurve; from "ecc/babyjubjubParams" import BabyJubJubParams; // Function that implements scalar multiplication for a fixed base point // Curve parameters are defined with the last argument // The exponent is hard-coded to a 256bit scalar, hence we allow wrapping around the group for certain // curve parameters. // Note that the exponent array is not check to be boolean in this gadget // Reference: def main(bool[256] exponent, field[2] pt, BabyJubJubParams context) -> field[2] { field[2] infinity = context.INFINITY; field[2] mut doubledP = pt; field[2] mut accumulatedP = infinity; for u32 i in 0..256 { u32 j = 255 - i; field[2] candidateP = add(accumulatedP, doubledP, context); accumulatedP = exponent[j] ? candidateP : accumulatedP; doubledP = add(doubledP, doubledP, context); } assert(onCurve(accumulatedP, context)); return accumulatedP; }