671 lines
250 KiB
671 lines
250 KiB
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@polkadot/util')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@polkadot/util'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.polkadotWasmCrypto = {}, global.polkadotUtil));
})(this, (function (exports, util) { 'use strict';
const global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : window;
var _documentCurrentScript = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document.currentScript : null;
function evaluateThis(fn) {
return fn('return this');
const xglobal = (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
? globalThis
: typeof global !== 'undefined'
? global
: typeof self !== 'undefined'
? self
: typeof window !== 'undefined'
? window
: evaluateThis(Function));
const crypto = xglobal.crypto;
function getRandomValues(arr) {
return crypto.getRandomValues(arr);
const DEFAULT_CRYPTO = { getRandomValues };
const DEFAULT_SELF = { crypto: DEFAULT_CRYPTO };
class Wbg {
constructor(bridge) {
this.__internal__bridge = bridge;
abort = () => {
throw new Error('abort');
__wbindgen_is_undefined = (idx) => {
return this.__internal__bridge.getObject(idx) === undefined;
__wbindgen_throw = (ptr, len) => {
throw new Error(this.__internal__bridge.getString(ptr, len));
__wbg_self_1b7a39e3a92c949c = () => {
return this.__internal__bridge.addObject(DEFAULT_SELF);
__wbg_require_604837428532a733 = (ptr, len) => {
throw new Error(`Unable to require ${this.__internal__bridge.getString(ptr, len)}`);
__wbg_crypto_968f1772287e2df0 = (_idx) => {
return this.__internal__bridge.addObject(DEFAULT_CRYPTO);
__wbg_getRandomValues_a3d34b4fee3c2869 = (_idx) => {
return this.__internal__bridge.addObject(DEFAULT_CRYPTO.getRandomValues);
__wbg_getRandomValues_f5e14ab7ac8e995d = (_arg0, ptr, len) => {
DEFAULT_CRYPTO.getRandomValues(this.__internal__bridge.getU8a(ptr, len));
__wbg_randomFillSync_d5bd2d655fdf256a = (_idx, _ptr, _len) => {
throw new Error('randomFillsync is not available');
__wbindgen_object_drop_ref = (idx) => {
class Bridge {
constructor(createWasm) {
this.__internal__createWasm = createWasm;
this.__internal__cachegetInt32 = null;
this.__internal__cachegetUint8 = null;
this.__internal__heap = new Array(32)
.concat(undefined, null, true, false);
this.__internal__heapNext = this.__internal__heap.length;
this.__internal__type = 'none';
this.__internal__wasm = null;
this.__internal__wasmError = null;
this.__internal__wasmPromise = null;
this.__internal__wbg = { ...new Wbg(this) };
get error() {
return this.__internal__wasmError;
get type() {
return this.__internal__type;
get wasm() {
return this.__internal__wasm;
async init(createWasm) {
if (!this.__internal__wasmPromise || createWasm) {
this.__internal__wasmPromise = (createWasm || this.__internal__createWasm)(this.__internal__wbg);
const { error, type, wasm } = await this.__internal__wasmPromise;
this.__internal__type = type;
this.__internal__wasm = wasm;
this.__internal__wasmError = error;
return this.__internal__wasm;
getObject(idx) {
return this.__internal__heap[idx];
dropObject(idx) {
if (idx < 36) {
this.__internal__heap[idx] = this.__internal__heapNext;
this.__internal__heapNext = idx;
takeObject(idx) {
const ret = this.getObject(idx);
return ret;
addObject(obj) {
if (this.__internal__heapNext === this.__internal__heap.length) {
this.__internal__heap.push(this.__internal__heap.length + 1);
const idx = this.__internal__heapNext;
this.__internal__heapNext = this.__internal__heap[idx];
this.__internal__heap[idx] = obj;
return idx;
getInt32() {
if (this.__internal__cachegetInt32 === null || this.__internal__cachegetInt32.buffer !== this.__internal__wasm.memory.buffer) {
this.__internal__cachegetInt32 = new Int32Array(this.__internal__wasm.memory.buffer);
return this.__internal__cachegetInt32;
getUint8() {
if (this.__internal__cachegetUint8 === null || this.__internal__cachegetUint8.buffer !== this.__internal__wasm.memory.buffer) {
this.__internal__cachegetUint8 = new Uint8Array(this.__internal__wasm.memory.buffer);
return this.__internal__cachegetUint8;
getU8a(ptr, len) {
return this.getUint8().subarray(ptr / 1, ptr / 1 + len);
getString(ptr, len) {
return util.u8aToString(this.getU8a(ptr, len));
allocU8a(arg) {
const ptr = this.__internal__wasm.__wbindgen_malloc(arg.length * 1);
this.getUint8().set(arg, ptr / 1);
return [ptr, arg.length];
allocString(arg) {
return this.allocU8a(util.stringToU8a(arg));
resultU8a() {
const r0 = this.getInt32()[8 / 4 + 0];
const r1 = this.getInt32()[8 / 4 + 1];
const ret = this.getU8a(r0, r1).slice();
this.__internal__wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1);
return ret;
resultString() {
return util.u8aToString(this.resultU8a());
function createWasmFn(root, wasmBytes, asmFn) {
return async (wbg) => {
const result = {
error: null,
type: 'none',
wasm: null
try {
if (!wasmBytes?.length) {
throw new Error('No WebAssembly provided for initialization');
else if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object' || typeof WebAssembly.instantiate !== 'function') {
throw new Error('WebAssembly is not available in your environment');
const source = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmBytes, { wbg });
result.wasm = source.instance.exports;
result.type = 'wasm';
catch (error) {
if (typeof asmFn === 'function') {
result.wasm = asmFn(wbg);
result.type = 'asm';
else {
result.error = `FATAL: Unable to initialize @polkadot/wasm-${root}:: ${error.message}`;
return result;
const chr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
const map = new Array(256);
for (let i = 0, count = chr.length; i < count; i++) {
map[chr.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
function base64Decode(data, out) {
let byte = 0;
let bits = 0;
let pos = -1;
for (let i = 0, count = out.length; pos < count; i++) {
byte = (byte << 6) | map[data.charCodeAt(i)];
if ((bits += 6) >= 8) {
out[++pos] = (byte >>> (bits -= 8)) & 0xff;
return out;
const u8 = Uint8Array, u16 = Uint16Array, u32 = Uint32Array;
const clim = new u8([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]);
const fleb = new u8([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
const fdeb = new u8([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 0, 0]);
const freb = (eb, start) => {
const b = new u16(31);
for (let i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
b[i] = start += 1 << eb[i - 1];
const r = new u32(b[30]);
for (let i = 1; i < 30; ++i) {
for (let j = b[i]; j < b[i + 1]; ++j) {
r[j] = ((j - b[i]) << 5) | i;
return [b, r];
const [fl, revfl] = freb(fleb, 2);
fl[28] = 258, revfl[258] = 28;
const [fd] = freb(fdeb, 0);
const rev = new u16(32768);
for (let i = 0; i < 32768; ++i) {
let x = ((i & 0xAAAA) >>> 1) | ((i & 0x5555) << 1);
x = ((x & 0xCCCC) >>> 2) | ((x & 0x3333) << 2);
x = ((x & 0xF0F0) >>> 4) | ((x & 0x0F0F) << 4);
rev[i] = (((x & 0xFF00) >>> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF) << 8)) >>> 1;
const hMap = ((cd, mb, r) => {
const s = cd.length;
let i = 0;
const l = new u16(mb);
for (; i < s; ++i)
++l[cd[i] - 1];
const le = new u16(mb);
for (i = 0; i < mb; ++i) {
le[i] = (le[i - 1] + l[i - 1]) << 1;
let co;
if (r) {
co = new u16(1 << mb);
const rvb = 15 - mb;
for (i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
if (cd[i]) {
const sv = (i << 4) | cd[i];
const r = mb - cd[i];
let v = le[cd[i] - 1]++ << r;
for (const m = v | ((1 << r) - 1); v <= m; ++v) {
co[rev[v] >>> rvb] = sv;
else {
co = new u16(s);
for (i = 0; i < s; ++i)
co[i] = rev[le[cd[i] - 1]++] >>> (15 - cd[i]);
return co;
const flt = new u8(288);
for (let i = 0; i < 144; ++i)
flt[i] = 8;
for (let i = 144; i < 256; ++i)
flt[i] = 9;
for (let i = 256; i < 280; ++i)
flt[i] = 7;
for (let i = 280; i < 288; ++i)
flt[i] = 8;
const fdt = new u8(32);
for (let i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
fdt[i] = 5;
const flrm = hMap(flt, 9, 1);
const fdrm = hMap(fdt, 5, 1);
const bits = (d, p, m) => {
const o = p >>> 3;
return ((d[o] | (d[o + 1] << 8)) >>> (p & 7)) & m;
const bits16 = (d, p) => {
const o = p >>> 3;
return ((d[o] | (d[o + 1] << 8) | (d[o + 2] << 16)) >>> (p & 7));
const shft = (p) => (p >>> 3) + (p & 7 && 1);
const slc = (v, s, e) => {
if (s == null || s < 0)
s = 0;
if (e == null || e > v.length)
e = v.length;
const n = new (v instanceof u16 ? u16 : v instanceof u32 ? u32 : u8)(e - s);
n.set(v.subarray(s, e));
return n;
const max = (a) => {
let m = a[0];
for (let i = 1, count = a.length; i < count; ++i) {
if (a[i] > m)
m = a[i];
return m;
const inflt = (dat, buf, st) => {
const noSt = !st || st.i;
if (!st)
st = {};
const sl = dat.length;
const noBuf = !buf || !noSt;
if (!buf)
buf = new u8(sl * 3);
const cbuf = (l) => {
let bl = buf.length;
if (l > bl) {
const nbuf = new u8(Math.max(bl << 1, l));
buf = nbuf;
let final = st.f || 0, pos = st.p || 0, bt = st.b || 0, lm = st.l, dm = st.d, lbt = st.m, dbt = st.n;
if (final && !lm)
return buf;
const tbts = sl << 3;
do {
if (!lm) {
st.f = final = bits(dat, pos, 1);
const type = bits(dat, pos + 1, 3);
pos += 3;
if (!type) {
const s = shft(pos) + 4, l = dat[s - 4] | (dat[s - 3] << 8), t = s + l;
if (t > sl) {
if (noSt)
throw 'unexpected EOF';
if (noBuf)
cbuf(bt + l);
buf.set(dat.subarray(s, t), bt);
st.b = bt += l, st.p = pos = t << 3;
else if (type == 1)
lm = flrm, dm = fdrm, lbt = 9, dbt = 5;
else if (type == 2) {
const hLit = bits(dat, pos, 31) + 257, hcLen = bits(dat, pos + 10, 15) + 4;
const tl = hLit + bits(dat, pos + 5, 31) + 1;
pos += 14;
const ldt = new u8(tl);
const clt = new u8(19);
for (let i = 0; i < hcLen; ++i) {
clt[clim[i]] = bits(dat, pos + i * 3, 7);
pos += hcLen * 3;
const clb = max(clt), clbmsk = (1 << clb) - 1;
if (!noSt && pos + tl * (clb + 7) > tbts)
const clm = hMap(clt, clb, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < tl;) {
const r = clm[bits(dat, pos, clbmsk)];
pos += r & 15;
const s = r >>> 4;
if (s < 16) {
ldt[i++] = s;
else {
let c = 0, n = 0;
if (s == 16)
n = 3 + bits(dat, pos, 3), pos += 2, c = ldt[i - 1];
else if (s == 17)
n = 3 + bits(dat, pos, 7), pos += 3;
else if (s == 18)
n = 11 + bits(dat, pos, 127), pos += 7;
while (n--)
ldt[i++] = c;
const lt = ldt.subarray(0, hLit), dt = ldt.subarray(hLit);
lbt = max(lt);
dbt = max(dt);
lm = hMap(lt, lbt, 1);
dm = hMap(dt, dbt, 1);
throw 'invalid block type';
if (pos > tbts)
throw 'unexpected EOF';
if (noBuf)
cbuf(bt + 131072);
const lms = (1 << lbt) - 1, dms = (1 << dbt) - 1;
const mxa = lbt + dbt + 18;
while (noSt || pos + mxa < tbts) {
const c = lm[bits16(dat, pos) & lms], sym = c >>> 4;
pos += c & 15;
if (pos > tbts)
throw 'unexpected EOF';
if (!c)
throw 'invalid length/literal';
if (sym < 256)
buf[bt++] = sym;
else if (sym == 256) {
lm = undefined;
else {
let add = sym - 254;
if (sym > 264) {
const i = sym - 257, b = fleb[i];
add = bits(dat, pos, (1 << b) - 1) + fl[i];
pos += b;
const d = dm[bits16(dat, pos) & dms], dsym = d >>> 4;
if (!d)
throw 'invalid distance';
pos += d & 15;
let dt = fd[dsym];
if (dsym > 3) {
const b = fdeb[dsym];
dt += bits16(dat, pos) & ((1 << b) - 1), pos += b;
if (pos > tbts)
throw 'unexpected EOF';
if (noBuf)
cbuf(bt + 131072);
const end = bt + add;
for (; bt < end; bt += 4) {
buf[bt] = buf[bt - dt];
buf[bt + 1] = buf[bt + 1 - dt];
buf[bt + 2] = buf[bt + 2 - dt];
buf[bt + 3] = buf[bt + 3 - dt];
bt = end;
st.l = lm, st.p = pos, st.b = bt;
if (lm)
final = 1, st.m = lbt, st.d = dm, st.n = dbt;
} while (!final);
return bt == buf.length ? buf : slc(buf, 0, bt);
const zlv = (d) => {
if ((d[0] & 15) != 8 || (d[0] >>> 4) > 7 || ((d[0] << 8 | d[1]) % 31))
throw 'invalid zlib data';
if (d[1] & 32)
throw 'invalid zlib data: preset dictionaries not supported';
function unzlibSync(data, out) {
return inflt((zlv(data), data.subarray(2, -4)), out);
var lenIn = 171008;
var lenOut = 339468;
var bytes_1 = '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
const wasmBytes = unzlibSync(base64Decode(bytes_1, new Uint8Array(lenIn)), new Uint8Array(lenOut));
const createWasm = createWasmFn('crypto', wasmBytes, null);
const bridge = new Bridge(createWasm);
async function initBridge(createWasm) {
return bridge.init(createWasm);
const packageInfo = { name: '@polkadot/wasm-crypto', path: (({ url: (typeof document === 'undefined' && typeof location === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : typeof document === 'undefined' ? location.href : (_documentCurrentScript && _documentCurrentScript.src || new URL('bundle-polkadot-wasm-crypto.js', document.baseURI).href)) }) && (typeof document === 'undefined' && typeof location === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : typeof document === 'undefined' ? location.href : (_documentCurrentScript && _documentCurrentScript.src || new URL('bundle-polkadot-wasm-crypto.js', document.baseURI).href))) ? new URL((typeof document === 'undefined' && typeof location === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : typeof document === 'undefined' ? location.href : (_documentCurrentScript && _documentCurrentScript.src || new URL('bundle-polkadot-wasm-crypto.js', document.baseURI).href))).pathname.substring(0, new URL((typeof document === 'undefined' && typeof location === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : typeof document === 'undefined' ? location.href : (_documentCurrentScript && _documentCurrentScript.src || new URL('bundle-polkadot-wasm-crypto.js', document.baseURI).href))).pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : 'auto', type: 'esm', version: '7.3.1' };
function withWasm(fn) {
return (...params) => {
if (!bridge.wasm) {
throw new Error('The WASM interface has not been initialized. Ensure that you wait for the initialization Promise with waitReady() from @polkadot/wasm-crypto (or cryptoWaitReady() from @polkadot/util-crypto) before attempting to use WASM-only interfaces.');
return fn(bridge.wasm, ...params);
const bip39Generate = withWasm((wasm, words) => {
wasm.ext_bip39_generate(8, words);
return bridge.resultString();
const bip39ToEntropy = withWasm((wasm, phrase) => {
wasm.ext_bip39_to_entropy(8, ...bridge.allocString(phrase));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const bip39ToMiniSecret = withWasm((wasm, phrase, password) => {
wasm.ext_bip39_to_mini_secret(8, ...bridge.allocString(phrase), ...bridge.allocString(password));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const bip39ToSeed = withWasm((wasm, phrase, password) => {
wasm.ext_bip39_to_seed(8, ...bridge.allocString(phrase), ...bridge.allocString(password));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const bip39Validate = withWasm((wasm, phrase) => {
const ret = wasm.ext_bip39_validate(...bridge.allocString(phrase));
return ret !== 0;
const ed25519KeypairFromSeed = withWasm((wasm, seed) => {
wasm.ext_ed_from_seed(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(seed));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const ed25519Sign = withWasm((wasm, pubkey, seckey, message) => {
wasm.ext_ed_sign(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey), ...bridge.allocU8a(seckey), ...bridge.allocU8a(message));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const ed25519Verify = withWasm((wasm, signature, message, pubkey) => {
const ret = wasm.ext_ed_verify(...bridge.allocU8a(signature), ...bridge.allocU8a(message), ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey));
return ret !== 0;
const secp256k1FromSeed = withWasm((wasm, seckey) => {
wasm.ext_secp_from_seed(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(seckey));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const secp256k1Compress = withWasm((wasm, pubkey) => {
wasm.ext_secp_pub_compress(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const secp256k1Expand = withWasm((wasm, pubkey) => {
wasm.ext_secp_pub_expand(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const secp256k1Recover = withWasm((wasm, msgHash, sig, recovery) => {
wasm.ext_secp_recover(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(msgHash), ...bridge.allocU8a(sig), recovery);
return bridge.resultU8a();
const secp256k1Sign = withWasm((wasm, msgHash, seckey) => {
wasm.ext_secp_sign(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(msgHash), ...bridge.allocU8a(seckey));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519DeriveKeypairHard = withWasm((wasm, pair, cc) => {
wasm.ext_sr_derive_keypair_hard(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pair), ...bridge.allocU8a(cc));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519DeriveKeypairSoft = withWasm((wasm, pair, cc) => {
wasm.ext_sr_derive_keypair_soft(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pair), ...bridge.allocU8a(cc));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519DerivePublicSoft = withWasm((wasm, pubkey, cc) => {
wasm.ext_sr_derive_public_soft(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey), ...bridge.allocU8a(cc));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519KeypairFromSeed = withWasm((wasm, seed) => {
wasm.ext_sr_from_seed(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(seed));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519Sign = withWasm((wasm, pubkey, secret, message) => {
wasm.ext_sr_sign(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey), ...bridge.allocU8a(secret), ...bridge.allocU8a(message));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sr25519Verify = withWasm((wasm, signature, message, pubkey) => {
const ret = wasm.ext_sr_verify(...bridge.allocU8a(signature), ...bridge.allocU8a(message), ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey));
return ret !== 0;
const sr25519Agree = withWasm((wasm, pubkey, secret) => {
wasm.ext_sr_agree(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey), ...bridge.allocU8a(secret));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const vrfSign = withWasm((wasm, secret, context, message, extra) => {
wasm.ext_vrf_sign(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(secret), ...bridge.allocU8a(context), ...bridge.allocU8a(message), ...bridge.allocU8a(extra));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const vrfVerify = withWasm((wasm, pubkey, context, message, extra, outAndProof) => {
const ret = wasm.ext_vrf_verify(...bridge.allocU8a(pubkey), ...bridge.allocU8a(context), ...bridge.allocU8a(message), ...bridge.allocU8a(extra), ...bridge.allocU8a(outAndProof));
return ret !== 0;
const blake2b = withWasm((wasm, data, key, size) => {
wasm.ext_blake2b(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data), ...bridge.allocU8a(key), size);
return bridge.resultU8a();
const hmacSha256 = withWasm((wasm, key, data) => {
wasm.ext_hmac_sha256(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(key), ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const hmacSha512 = withWasm((wasm, key, data) => {
wasm.ext_hmac_sha512(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(key), ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const keccak256 = withWasm((wasm, data) => {
wasm.ext_keccak256(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const keccak512 = withWasm((wasm, data) => {
wasm.ext_keccak512(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const pbkdf2 = withWasm((wasm, data, salt, rounds) => {
wasm.ext_pbkdf2(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data), ...bridge.allocU8a(salt), rounds);
return bridge.resultU8a();
const scrypt = withWasm((wasm, password, salt, log2n, r, p) => {
wasm.ext_scrypt(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(password), ...bridge.allocU8a(salt), log2n, r, p);
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sha256 = withWasm((wasm, data) => {
wasm.ext_sha256(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const sha512 = withWasm((wasm, data) => {
wasm.ext_sha512(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data));
return bridge.resultU8a();
const twox = withWasm((wasm, data, rounds) => {
wasm.ext_twox(8, ...bridge.allocU8a(data), rounds);
return bridge.resultU8a();
function isReady() {
return !!bridge.wasm;
async function waitReady() {
try {
const wasm = await initBridge();
return !!wasm;
catch {
return false;
exports.bip39Generate = bip39Generate;
exports.bip39ToEntropy = bip39ToEntropy;
exports.bip39ToMiniSecret = bip39ToMiniSecret;
exports.bip39ToSeed = bip39ToSeed;
exports.bip39Validate = bip39Validate;
exports.blake2b = blake2b;
exports.bridge = bridge;
exports.ed25519KeypairFromSeed = ed25519KeypairFromSeed;
exports.ed25519Sign = ed25519Sign;
exports.ed25519Verify = ed25519Verify;
exports.hmacSha256 = hmacSha256;
exports.hmacSha512 = hmacSha512;
exports.isReady = isReady;
exports.keccak256 = keccak256;
exports.keccak512 = keccak512;
exports.packageInfo = packageInfo;
exports.pbkdf2 = pbkdf2;
exports.scrypt = scrypt;
exports.secp256k1Compress = secp256k1Compress;
exports.secp256k1Expand = secp256k1Expand;
exports.secp256k1FromSeed = secp256k1FromSeed;
exports.secp256k1Recover = secp256k1Recover;
exports.secp256k1Sign = secp256k1Sign;
exports.sha256 = sha256;
exports.sha512 = sha512;
exports.sr25519Agree = sr25519Agree;
exports.sr25519DeriveKeypairHard = sr25519DeriveKeypairHard;
exports.sr25519DeriveKeypairSoft = sr25519DeriveKeypairSoft;
exports.sr25519DerivePublicSoft = sr25519DerivePublicSoft;
exports.sr25519KeypairFromSeed = sr25519KeypairFromSeed;
exports.sr25519Sign = sr25519Sign;
exports.sr25519Verify = sr25519Verify;
exports.twox = twox;
exports.vrfSign = vrfSign;
exports.vrfVerify = vrfVerify;
exports.waitReady = waitReady;