contracts | ||
flag_encoder_fe | ||
frontend | ||
workshop | ||
DCTF v0.2
The first decentralized CTF engine, used by CCTF
Deployment: TBA
Main team contributors: six, Silur, Bazsi
Hackathon contributors: SI, username, Anon, GuyFromUniversity, ZK, Metafaka team, BMEta team
Short-term ToDo
- Finish the Vault
- Finish the Hall of Fame with multi-management DAO style setup (approval needed for valid flag?)
- Check and fix main FE - contract integration, partially done, we need remote removals
- Add FE missing functions
- Re-architect in a way we don't need to redeploy
- Get version X ready
Workshop at Hacktivity 2023
Intro to blockchain, cryptography and learn to play CCTF. Smart contract steps:
- Deploy in Remix
- createContest()
- Generate a priv/pub key for the flag.
- addOrUpdateChallenge()
- Play, find flag
- register()
- submitFlag()
- Challenge
Workshop at HITB 2023
We will go through a fast intro to Web3 and how to hack DCTF. Anyone present at HITB 2023 Phuket, feel free to ask user six at the Crypto Village desk. Agenda:
- What is blockchain/web3/other buzzwords and the tech behind?
- Consensus, RPoW, PoW, PoS
- LibP2P and nodes
- Solidity, js and rust (where and what and why?)
- Substrate
- ECDSA logic, signing, basics
- Logic of DCTF
- Resources for hacking DCTF
- Next steps for CCTF and decentralized community
This is a free flow workshop. Six can explain these you in 20 mins, but vibes will tell how long you stay and hack.
For generating the ECDSA signatures and message hashes, use: https://git.hsbp.org/six/eth_keygen/src/branch/master/ethkeygen.py